SI Potter’s House Services

SI Potter’s House Services

Join us at the Potter's House in San Ignacio where Jesus Christ still changes lives. Sunday 11am & 6pm Wednesday 7pmSCHEDULE OF SERVICESSUNDAY MORNING 11 am SUNDAY EVENING 6 pmWEDNESDAY 7 pmPRAYER 1 HR BEFORE SERVICE ADDRESSCorner of Buena Vista and Benque Viejo Rd...

Revival with Dan Canonge

Revival with Dan Canonge

Join us for a life changing revival with Former Missionary Dan Canonge! April 6th - 8th | 7:00pm nightlyWednesday - FridaySCHEDULE OF SERVICESSUNDAY MORNING 11 am SUNDAY EVENING 6 pmWEDNESDAY 7 pmPRAYER 1 HR BEFORE SERVICE ADDRESSCorner of Buena Vista & Benque...

Revival with International Evangelist Mike Gomez

Revival with International Evangelist Mike Gomez

Join us for a life changing revival with International Evangelist Mike Gomez! February 16-19 | 7:00pm nightly Wednesday - SaturdaySCHEDULE OF SERVICESSUNDAY MORNING 11 am SUNDAY EVENING 6 pmWEDNESDAY 7 pmPRAYER 1 HR BEFORE SERVICE ADDRESSCorner of Buena Vista &...

Revival with Jason Flowers

Revival with Jason Flowers

Join us for a life changing revival with Belizean Pastor Jason Flower! Thursday - Sunday at 7 pm SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY MORNING 11 am SUNDAY EVENING 6 pm WEDNESDAY 7 pm PRAYER 1 HR BEFORE SERVICE ADDRESS Corner of Buena Vista & Benque Viejo Rd Beside Cayo...

Revival Services with Pastor Joseph Harmon

Revival Services with Pastor Joseph Harmon

Come and join us for a three day special Revival Services with Pastor Joseph Harmon from Wichita, KS on Wed-Friday April 24, 2019 thru April 27, 2019 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY MORNING 11 am SUNDAY EVENING 6 pm WEDNESDAY 7 pm PRAYER 1 HR BEFORE SERVICE ADDRESS Corner...


11 am

6 pm

7 pm



Corner of Buena Vista and Benque Viejo Rd
Beside Cozy Corner above the We Shop
For Info Call 608-9997

Drop Us a Line

Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!

Drop Us a Line

Don't be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!


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